Tenacity Turf Herbicide - 8 ounces
Brand : SyngentaRate :

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Post Date : Mar 30, 2012 04:30:06
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Tenacity® is the only residential-approved herbicide that selectively removes both nimblewill and bentgrass. Plus, it controls over 40 dicot and monocot species, including:Crabgrass, Clover, Goosegrass, Yellow Nutsedge, Windmillgrass, Ground Ivy, yellow foxtail, and oxalis.Tenacity® herbicide provides unprecedented freedom to manage weeds, both broadleaves and grasses, without limiting other key aspects of turf management. With its proprietary active ingredient, mesotrione, Tenacity herbicide can be used both as a pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide. It can also be used on Buffalograss and dormant bermudagrass. This systemic herbicide is safe to use on established or newly seeded turf.Tenacity is based on a naturally occurring compound produced by the bottlebrush plant (Callistemon citrinis) which inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plant species.As a result, the leaves lose chlorophyll and then turn white followed by he death of the weed.Tenacity was granted Reduced Risk status by the EPA due to its favorable ecotoxicity and human health profiles compared to many registered herbicides. The benefit is a reduction in the herbicide load on the environment.Unlike most herbicides, Tenacity can be applied anytime you are seeding, including: Bare ground seeding or selective renovations; Overseeding of established turf; Fall, spring, or anytime you choose to seed; When applied at or prior to seeding of tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, or cool-season turf blends, Tenacity will reduce weed competition as new grass begins to emerge. This helps ensure that you will get the uniform lawn that you desire.
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